

28 Brodie-Hall Drive, Bentley WA 6102.
Telephone: 9472 9472.

Email: bentley@childcare.sns.group

Hours: 7.00am - 6.00pm 


About Us

Each and every day is filled with fun and play with planned intentional teaching happening. Your child's learning is done so effectively they don't even know it is happening.


The nicest thing about enrolling your children at this service is they will be happy and well cared for. Your children will be loved and cared for each day just the way you do it at home.


At the end of the day you know that even though they are pleased to see you, your children will also want to spend more time with their educators. It is a great comfort to know that your children are loved and protected the way you want them to be.


The service provides everything for your child except nappies and a hat. Sunscreen, tissues, fruit and drinks are all included in your fees. Meals and snacks are all prepared by a qualified cook in-house. Please bring bottles and formula if your child needs them.


There is no fundraising and parents don't pay for anything more after paying the weekly fees. For more information about the operations of the services please read the Parent Handbook.

Parent Handbook

code of ethics

At Technology Park Education and Care Centre we abide by "The Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics (2016)" which encompasses our operations to ensure that your children are cared for in the best possible way.

In this Code of Ethics the protection and wellbeing of children is paramount, and therefore speaking out or taking action in the presence of unethical practice is an essential professional responsibility.

Download Code of Ethics Document



our philosophy


  • At SNS Education and Care our focus and priority is CARE.

    C – Comfortable spaces, Competent people.

    Educators at SNS are the key to providing comfortable, quality care. They are chosen for their competence and dedication when working with children. Educators will encourage children to build confidence through positive interactions, safe environments, making choices and gaining independence in everyday experiences and routines.


    A – Achievement through play and FUN!

    Children are encouraged to grow, develop and learn at their own pace through fun, new opportunities.  Our educators support children with all areas of their development so a solid foundation for wellbeing and learning is created for each child.


    R – Respectful relationships with children, staff and families.

    Our team understands how hard it can be for families to leave their child with strangers. Our priority is getting to know each family and working in partnership to provide for individual needs. All families and children are valued, respected and welcome here.


    E – Environments and experiences that allow children to explore, make choices and learn.

    Our intentionally created play spaces encourage children to have fun and enjoy a variety of positive, safe experiences in indoor and outdoor settings. We value outdoor play in natural spaces during all seasons.  Our outdoor environment is just like playing in a typical Aussie backyard – real grass and all!

Government Subsidies

  • (i) Child Care Subsidy

    The Government pays part of our fees for eligible families. For more information about child care subsidy please click here


    (ii) Additional Child Care Subsidy

    If you are a grandparent caring for children or transitioning back to work you may be eligible for additional child care subsidy. Please click here for more information.